To be honest at this stage, 'Establishing a Fashion Brand' is my purely imaginary and it is just a 'concept' & 'name' for my final year collection only. I know that it is not easy to make it real, it should involved many many many effort, experiences & money. So, pls do give me some time, maybe 10 years lol. I WISH it may come true sometime. Here is a "
Strategy of establishing a fashion brand" interview of a designer who work in the Hong Kong fashion industry for 17 years. Actually what he had said is exactly the same as the marketing course which I took in PolyU before ... All of them are just items listed on books. So I do think experiences & networking are the most important elements for the success. Oh, for the logo, i found that 'Impact' (with tracking:25 & horizontally scale:120%) is quite good for me, it is simple still cute as barely rounded shape. Here you are:

Yet I will try to explore some more fonts for the final selection. And today I saw a book - My HK - which is tailor made for my project!! Gotta buy it tomorrow in
G.O.D, a company who provides an eastern derived lifestyle concept. Sleep well, adios:)